COHERENT+ Featured on CardsNow

Kuala Lumpur – Coherent+ has been featured in the prestigious CardsNow magazine.
3 articles where featured with Albert Mah our general manager describing the hard fought 2013 year and about the company direction in 2014.

COHERENT+ Featured on CardsNow

In the second article our VP of Solutions & Innovations talks about the work we have done in Malaysia to help banks and merchants to deploy and promote Visa payWave in Malaysia.
Finally in the Opt In section an article about the successful deployment of the Hammerhead Desktop model into the Malaysia Market.

MyDebit Acceptance at Starbucks Malaysia Drive-Thru Outlets

17 May 2021

With the initiative from PayNet and Maybank (as acquiring bank) in promoting MyDebit contactless card acceptance with Starbucks Malaysia at its nationwide Drive-Thru outlets, we are glad to be the chosen technology provider for this implementation.

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